Nonagon Problem: Introduction

Consider the following regular nonagon inscribed in a unit circle. Use the measuring tool to find the lengths of all the green segments. What is the product of these lengths? How would you begin to explain (prove) this?

Impossible Quadratics

It is known that the equation [math]x^2+1=0[/math] has no real number solution. Finding solutions is equivalent to finding the x-intercepts of the graph of [math]f(x)=x^2+1[/math]. No intersection points, no solutions. You should be able to grab the graph and move it around to create equations that do have solutions.

Complex Number Definition

A complex number z is a point in the plane where the x-axis is measured in real units and the y-axis is measured[br]in imaginary units. Notice x=Re(z) and y=Im(z). [br][br]What is the locus of points that satisfy Re(z)=Im(z)?[br]What is the locus of points that satisfy Re(z)=3?[br]What is the locus of points that satisfy Im(z)=2?
Complex Number Definition

Complex Numbers: What's My Rule?

Points A and C are complex numbers. Drag point A. Point C moves in response. What is the rule that defines points C? Try to describe it geometrically and algebraically. Is it possible to move A without moving C? Is it possible to move A so point C is at the origin? What happens to C when A moves along the Real axis? What happens to C when A moves along the Imaginary axis? Is it possible to move A so point C moves along the Real axis? Is it possible to move A so point C moves along the Imaginary axis?

Complex Numbers and Transformations

In the figure below, point A and the vertices of the triangle are complex numbers. Every point on the triangle is being added with point A. This induces a Transformation. Drag Point A around. Under what conditions is the transformation a dilation? Under what conditions is the transformation a translation? Under what conditions is the transformation a rotation? Under what conditions is the transformation a reflection? Under what conditions is the transformation a composition of a rotation and a dilation?

Activity 2

How well do you understand the transformation caused by multiplying by a Complex Number?[br][br]Test yourself! Try this until you get 5 correct in a row! A message will appear when you are correct!

Complex Roots and Quadriatic Graphs

Drag the BLUE point (which is one of the complex conjugate roots) Notice how the quadratic graph changes.
