Locus Definition of a Parabola

[size=100]A [b]locus[/b] is a set of a points that all meet a certain condition. In the diagram below, consider the locus containing all points P meeting the conditions of the program. You may slide any of the points in the diagram and the slider in order to answer the questions following the diagram.[/size]
[color=#000000][b]1) What is another name for the shape of the locus containing only the points P as shown in the diagram?[/b][/color]
[size=100][b][color=#000000]2) What do you notice about the distances between P and the focus and directrix?[/color][/b][/size]
[size=100][b][color=#000000]3) By moving some of the points the diagram, the locus does not satisfy the definition of a function. How can you limit the diagram to make the locus satisfy the definition of a quadratic function?[/color][/b][/size]

Information: Locus Definition of a Parabola