Polar Coordinates: Introduction
[color=#000000][br]Slide the [b]black slider [/b](lower right corner in the app below) to illustrate how polar coordinates [math]\left(r,\theta\right)[/math] are plotted. [/color]
This app illustrates how to plot points written in POLAR FORM (r, θ). Interact with this app for a few minutes. Then answer the questions on the paper you received in class.
Derivatives in Polar Coordintes
[color=#ff0000]This applet was designed to serve as a "check", so to speak, for you when finding the derivative, dy/dx, of a [/color][color=#6aa84f]polar function[/color][color=#ff0000] at a certain point (t, r(t)). [/color][br][br][color=#0000ff][b]Note: [br]To move the tangent line along the function's graph, simply drag the t-slider provided in the upper left hand corner.[/b][/color][br][br][color=#9900ff][b]Another Note: [br]When inputting [i]t[/i] values expressed in terms of pi, simply type "pi" for pi. For example, to input 2pi/3, type "2pi/3". The fraction textbox will display your result. (The highest t-value you can input is 2pi.) [br][/b][/color][br][color=#980000][b]One more thing: [br]The fraction text (containing the pi factor) is only accurate if you use the input box to input a value written as a "ratio*pi". Otherwise, this value is approximate (just like the displayed decimal approximation.) [/b][/color]