Unit CircleTriangles

See how these Special Right Triangles relate to the [url=http://www.geogebratube.org/student/m94729]Unit Circle[/url].[br][br]The square roots at the top of the page are calculated. The values on the two triangles are the actual measurements on the triangles. The calculations below are based on the actual division of the lengths of the side of the triangles. Unitize means to make the hypotenuse equal to 1 as it would be in the Unit Circle. In the Unit Circle, the hypotenuse is the radius of the cirlce.[br][br]Notice: The similarity to the calculated values at the top.[br][br]Simpe task: [color=#c51414]Unitize each of the triangles for the values used in the Unit Circle[/color], this gives the value of the Unit Circle.
Unit CircleTriangles

Information: Unit CircleTriangles