Mandelbrot Painter

Drag point 'C' around, to 'paint' a picture of the mandelbrot set - black points are where the iteration is stable, dark blue where unstable. [br](It's a bit like doing a 'brass rubbing')[br]You can see the true picture by clicking 'Show Picture'
Mandelbrot Painter

Mandelbrot Iteration Orbits

Simple exploration of the Mandelbrot Set (and the orbits of the iteration with different 'c' values).[br][br]This is the iteration: [math]z_{n+1} = z_{n}^{2}+c[/math][br][br]Try moving 'c' around to see the orbits change.[br][br]Stable orbits are coloured black. The colours 'outside' the set are determined by how quickly the iteration diverges...
Mandelbrot Iteration Orbits
