ASA: Exercise

In the applet below, place any one (or more) of the LARGE POINTS anywhere you'd like. [br][br][b][color=#ff00ff]You can change the size of the pink angle using the pink slider.[/color][/b][br][b][color=#1e84cc]You can also change the size of the blue angle using the blue slider. [/color][/b][br]The [b]"Included Side"[/b] slider controls the [b]length of the side[/b] between the [b][color=#ff00ff]pink[/color][/b] and [color=#1e84cc][b]blue[/b][/color] angles. [br][br]Slide the [b]"Slide Me"[/b] slider slowly. Carefully observe what takes place as you do. [br][br]Notice how both triangles have 2 pairs of corresponding angles congruent. In addition, the sides between these 2 pairs of corresponding congruent angles are also congruent. [br][br][b]Your task:[/b][br]Use the transformative geometry tools to [b][color=#bf9000]prove that the ENTIRE TRIANGLES are indeed congruent[/color][/b].

Information: ASA: Exercise