Important Trig Limits

Use the results of your obseravations here in this worksheet to complete the questions found in the [url=]Derivative of Sine & Cosine Functions worksheet[/url]. [br][br](In both graphs, what happens to the [b][color=#38761d]BIG GREEN POINT[/color][/b] if you let its x-coordinate become zero?)

Definition of a Derivative

This page demonstration where the definition of a derivative comes from. Notice the variable "h" is the space between the two points (horizontally). As h gets closer and closer to zero the slope between the two points (x,f(x)) and (x+h,f(x+h)) becomes closer and closer to the slope of the tangent line at x. This is where the limit as h approaches zero comes from.
Definition of a Derivative

Derivative of a Product

Provided the described limits exist, we've already discovered that [br][br]1) The derivative of a sum of two functions = the sum of the derivatives of these functions. [br]2) The derivative of a difference of two functions = the difference of the derivatives of these functions.[br][br]Yet what about replacing the word "sum" or "difference" with the word "product"? [br][color=#ff00ff][b]That is, is the derivative of the product of two functions evaluated at any input = the product of the derivatives of these two functions (evaluated at this same input)? [/b][/color][br][br]Interact with the applet below for a minute. Study it carefully. [br]Move any 1 of the white points around if you need to. [br][br][color=#ff00ff][b]Then answer the question in pink.[/b][/color]

Related Rates (1)

Suppose [color=#0000ff][b]particle A [/b][/color]and [color=#cc0000][b]particle B[/b][/color] start at the same spot. [br][br]Suppose [color=#0000ff][b]particle A[/b][/color] [color=#0000ff]starts to head east at a speed of 10 m/s.[/color] [br]At the same time [b][color=#0000ff]A[/color][/b] leaves its initial position, [color=#cc0000][b]particle B[/b][/color] [color=#cc0000]starts heading north at a speed of 5 m/s[/color]. [br][br]Play to animate, then answer the questions that follow. [br]([color=#ff00ff][b]Please don't click the checkbox yet. Do so when prompted to.) [/b][/color]
At what rate is the distance, [i]w[/i], between [i]A[/i] and [i]B[/i] changing after 3 sec?
At what rate is the distance, [i]w[/i], between [i]A[/i] and [i]B[/i] changing after 5 sec?
At what rate is the distance, [i]w[/i], between [i]A[/i] and [i]B[/i] changing after 6 sec?

Definite Integral Illustrator (I)

[b]Note: [br][/b][color=#0000ff]This applet only generates nonnegative areas. [br]Thus, incorrect values will be displayed for any areas underneath the [i]x[/i]-axis.[br][br][/color]For an applet that also includes [b][color=#ff7700]trapezoidal approximations[/color][/b], go to [url=]Definite Integral Illustrator (II)[/url].

Mean Value Theorem (Without Words)

Is there a function [i]f[/i] you can input for which the Mean Value Theorem would NOT apply for a specified interval [a,b] within its domain? If so, provide such an example and clearly illustrate why the MVT would not apply in this situation.

Taylor Polynomials

[color=#000000]Reference applet for [/color][color=#9900ff]Taylor Polynomials[/color][color=#000000] and [/color][color=#9900ff]Maclaurin Polynomials [/color][color=#000000](n = 0 to n = 40) centered at [i]x[/i] = [i]a[/i]. [/color][color=#9900ff][br][/color][color=#000000][i]Recall a Maclaurin Series is simply a Taylor Series centered at a = 0. [/i][/color]

Slope field plotter

A direction field (or slope field / vector field) is a picture of the general solution to a first order differential equation with the form [math]\frac{dy}{dx} = f(x,y)[/math]
[list][br][*]Edit the gradient function [math]f^{\prime}(x,y)[/math] in the input box at the top. The function you input will be shown in blue underneath as [math]dy/dx=f(x,y)[/math][br][*]The Density slider controls the number of vector lines.[br][*]The Length slider controls the length of the vector lines.[br][*]Adjust [math]x_{min}, x_{max}, y_{min}[/math] and [math]y_{max}[/math] to define the limits of the slope field.[br][*]Check the Solution boxes to draw curves representing numerical solutions to the differential equation.[br][*]Click and drag the points A, B, C and D to see how the solution changes across the field.[br][*]Change the Step size to improve or reduce the accuracy of solutions (0.1 is usually fine but 0.01 is better). [br]If anything messes up....hit the reset button to restore things to default.[br][/list]
