How to Input and Explore Linear Equations

Task 1
Create a line by entering a linear equation in the [i]Algebra Input[/i]. Then, change the line by dragging its graph or modifying its equation.[br]
[table][tr id=boolline][td]1.[/td][td nowrap][code]y = 3 x + 1[/code][/td][td]Enter the linear equation [code]y = 3*x + 1 [/code]into the [i]Algebra Input[/i] and press the [i]Enter [/i]key.[br][/td][/tr][tr id=boolline][td][br][/td][td nowrap][/td][td][u]Hint[/u]: Click on the [img][/img] keyboard icon in order to open a [b]virtual keyboard[/b].[br][/td][/tr][tr id= boolmovepoint][td]2.[/td][td nowrap][icon][/icon][br][/td][td]Double click (or tap) the equation and change it to [code]y = x + 2[/code]. [br][/td][/tr][tr id= boolmovepoint][td][br][/td][td nowrap][br][/td][td][u]Hint[/u]: Watch how the line immediately adapts to your changes.[/td][/tr][tr id=boolmove][td]3.[br][/td][td][icon]/images/ggb/toolbar/mode_move.png[/icon][br][/td][td]Try to drag the line and answer the question of Task 2.[br][/td][/tr][/table][br]
Task 2
What happens if you drag the line?

Information: How to Input and Explore Linear Equations