Factorization - Visual illustration of divisor pairs

[list=1] [*]Enter different integers (whole numbers). [*]See what prime numbers compose your integer. [*]Press the prime factors buttons and see how your number can be produced by multiplying different pairs of numbers. [*]How many different pairs that produce your number are there? [/list]

When will I need decimals?

When will I need decimals?

Are integers useful in the real world?

Are integers useful in the real world?

Adding Fractions - Visual

Enter any two fractions to see their sum. Any mixed numbers must be entered as improper fractions. The sum will not be simplified.



Calculate percentages

Applet provides various problems


Solve One-Step Equation

Sum of the Interior Angles of a Triangle

Slider aligns the interior angles of a triangle to visualize the sum of the angle measures.

Drag triangles vertices to see the results hold for any triangle.
