Plotting Points (x,y): Dynamic Illustration
[b][color=#000000]A COORDINATE is a NUMBER or a LETTER that indicates LOCATION. [/color][/b][color=#000000][br]Did you ever play Milton Bradley's game [/color][b][color=#000000]Battleship[/color][/b][color=#000000] as a kid? [br]If so, you dealt with coordinates! "A5" was either a "hit" or a "miss", right? [br]In this game, the "A" and the "5" are called coordinates. [br][br]Your mobile device can indicate your latitude and longitude. [br][b]LATITUDE and LONGITUDE[/b] are numbers that help tell a person his/her [b]LOCATION.[/b] [br]Thus, [b]LATITUDE and LONGITUDE[/b] are said to form a pair of [b]COORDINATES. [/b] [br] [br][/color]Note the coordinate plane below. [color=#0000ff]Press the [/color][color=#38761d]"New Example"[/color][color=#0000ff] button. After doing so press [/color][color=#bf9000]"Plot Point"[/color][color=#0000ff]. [br][/color]Be sure to watch the specific dynamics of how to plot a point correctly. Repeat the [b][color=#0000ff]colored step[/color][/b] above approximately 10 times. [color=#000000]Then, go to the link indicated below the applet. [/color]
[color=#000000]Once you're confident in your ability to plot a point given its coordintes, [url=https://www.geogebra.org/m/AbRPAY8V]click here[/url] to put into practice what you've just learned! [/color]
Distance in the Coordinate Plane (With Hints)
Discovery Lesson (Can be used without interactive figure below)
Midpoint and Endpoint Coordinates Action!
Here, point A is an endpoint and point M is a midpoint. Move A and M where you'd like and slide the slider to find the other endpoint (B).
Slope: Intuitive Intro and Exploration

[size=200][color=#1e84cc][url=https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ZbntWgv0ZB6aYtlXpdzDpfuKHrMYWJqe]Warm Up Questions[/url][br][br][url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/1W5fggl-QmnwOoT1Yjs2MfZnwVzIF49pflGX33xe0PN0/copy?usp=sharing]Student Exploration To Accompany Resource[/url][/color][/size]
Slide the slider all the way to the right. Then move the LARGE POINTS around to change the slope of the line. Use this interactive figure to help you complete the investigation in the 2nd URL above.
After completing the investigation above, take some time test your slope knowledge skills. If you're having trouble with any question, refer back to the resource above.
[size=200][color=#1e84cc][url=https://www.geogebra.org/m/xefdkxqm]SLOPE: Quick Intuitive Quiz Questions[/url][br][br][url=https://www.geogebra.org/m/rtbwk2wv]SLOPE: Graphing Slope Types[/url][br][/color][/size][size=200][color=#1e84cc][br][url=https://www.geogebra.org/m/gV9GRCRN]SLOPE: Quiz (1)[/url][br][br][url=https://www.geogebra.org/m/Pkb2Z9z5]SLOPE: Quiz (2)[/url][/color][/size]
Slope to Angle Measure Calculator (I)
[b]Students: [color=#1551b5]This applet is to be used when trying to use coordinate geometry prove two triangles (drawn in the coordinate plane) congruent.[/color] [/b][br][br][color=#c51414][i]You already know how to calculate the distance between any two points in the coordinate plane, so finding the length of any side of a triangle should be an easy task. [br]However, calculating the measure of an interior angle between two sides of a triangle is a bit more complicated.[/i][/color][br][br][color=#1551b5][b]If you need to calculate the angle measure between any two sides of a triangle, follow the directions in the applet below: [/b] [/color]
Distance in the Coordinate Plane (Quiz without Grid)
[color=#c51414][b]Directions are contained in the applet below:[/b][/color]