1. Firstly, it is founded some exponential numbers relevant to the objective in 7th grade curriculum.[br]2. Then, it is founded a board game design (a picture) on Internet.[br]3. The media is added to Geogebra File via dragging the picture to the file[br]4. Then it is constructed a textbox to write exponential numbers by using [icon]/images/ggb/toolbar/mode_text.png[/icon] icon[br]5. While writing, it is chosen a Latex Formula to be able to write exponential numbers[br]6. It is clicked right on the textbox and chosen settings to change the color of the exponential numbers[br]7. In settings, it is also clicked right on the exponential and chosen "text" to change the size the of the exponential numbers( We chose size as medium)[br]8. It is clicked steps part in GeoGebra file and it is written "a random letter= a random number (ex: v=25)" in the entry[br]9. You will create slider if you click to somewhere else on page[br]10. It is clicked right on slider and chosen settings[br]11. It is chosen slider and determined the maximum and minimum values that slider can have(Be sure that you click the fixed button)[br]12. It is chosen input field[icon]/images/ggb/toolbar/mode_textfieldaction.png[/icon][br]
13. You can write it as it is shown in the above picture[br]14. Then, it is clicked right on the input field and chosen settings and clicked "styles" to make your size entry smaller (we chose 5 as our input entry )[br]15. It is clicked to[icon]/images/ggb/toolbar/mode_text.png[/icon] then, you can write something there( We wrote "Keep Trying")[br]16. It is clicked right on the textbox that is created as explained above and changed color of it.[br]17. It is also clicked right on the textbox and chosen settings then, it is clicked "scripting" and "updated"[br]18. Then, you can write the formula in the scripting as shown in below
19. Then, you can write a value to the input field as your answer. To check whether your formula works or not, you can click the" Keep trying" button[br]20. If it doesn't work, you can check the letters in the step 12 and 18. They should be the same letter.[br]21. You can repeat the steps that is explained above for each exponential number to create the game(Since we have 15 exponential number, we repeated these steps 15 times)[br][br]You can try this steps in the following GeoGebra file to learn the construction steps. This file is our half work of the game you can try to complete it.