Copy of How do I get GeoGebra?

GeoGebra 5.0 Web App
[size=100]To open the GeoGebra Web App...[br][list][*]go to [url=][/url], select the [url=][i]Perspective[/i][/url] you want and start creating.[br]OR[/*][*]go to the [size=100][url=]GeoGebra Webpage[/url][/size] and click on [img][/img] [i][url=]Start GeoGebra[/url][/i].[/*][/list][/size]
What does the GeoGebra Web App look like?
[size=100]Check out the [img][/img] [i]Algebra[/i] [i]Perspective [/i]of the [i]GeoGebra Web App[/i]:[/size]
GeoGebra 5.0 Tablet App
[size=100]You can download the GeoGebra Tablet App from...[br][list][*]the [url=]GeoGebra Webpage[/url][/*][*]the Windows Store[/*][*]the App Store [/*][*]Google Play[/*][/list][/size]
GeoGebra 5.0 Desktop
[size=100]To download the GeoGebra Desktop version go to the [url=]GeoGebra Webpage[/url] and select the GeoGebra version for your operating system:[br][list][*][icon][/icon] Windows[/*][*][icon][/icon] MacOS X[/*][*][icon][/icon] Linux [br][/*][/list][u]Note[/u]: GeoGebra is as open source software [url=]freely available for non-commercial users[/url].[/size]
Differences between the GeoGebra versions
[size=100]There are minor differences between these GeoGebra Versions concerning their user interface and use in general due to the different natures of the devices they are developed for. [br][br]For more information please check out [url=]Differences between GeoGebra 5.0 Desktop and the Web and Tablet Apps[/url] in the GeoGebra Wiki.[/size]

Information: Copy of How do I get GeoGebra?