What is a Radian?

This is an applet illustrating what a radian is.[br]This wasn't made by me but by a math teacher colleague.

Coordinates of Points on the Unit Circle

Use the slider to move point A on the circle.[br]Check the boxes to see how the coordinates of the point change as the point moves around the circle.[br]Click the Clear button to reset the screen.

Location of a point on a circle

This applet will trace the x-coordinate and the y-coordinate of the point B as it moves around the circle. [br]Use the sliders to change various aspects of the circle.[br]Use the check boxes to show the respective traces.

Six Basic Trig Functions in the Unit Circle

A quick look at the physical representations of the six basic trig functions in the unit circle

Restricting Domains

Restrict the domain of the function by using the sliders to create an inverse function.[br]Use f(x)= to change the original function in the input bar.

Explore Law of Cosines

Law of Sines 1.1

Unit Circle

Drag the red point around the unit circle.
