Visualization of simple sequences using points

[list=1][*][math]a_n=2n-1[/math] [br][/*][*][math]b_n=n^2[/math] [br][/*][*][math]c_n=\frac{100}{2^n}[/math] [br][/*][*]Fibonači virkni (Fibonacci sequence) [math]a_1=1,a_2=1,a_{n+1}=a_n+a_{n-1}[/math][br][/*][/list]

Sequence that produces points in multiple rows

Create a sequence that produces points in multiple rows

Segment distribution equal parts

Points equally distributed on a segment

Nogrieznis sadalīts n daļās, kur n vērtība ir maināma ar slaidera palīdzību. [br]Analoga konstrukcija ar vertikālu nogriezni.[br]Izmantojot spriedumus par punktu skaitu uz nogriežņa, izveidoti punkti rindās.[br][br]Segment is divided in n parts. The aim is to make identical construction with a vertical segment and eventually create points in multiple lines.

Square filled with circles

Square filled with circles

Cube filled with spheres

Cube filled with spheres

Task 1
