Standard Form of Parabolas

[size=150]A Standard Form of a quadratic equation is: a [math]x^2[/math] + b x + c[br]If a ≠ 0, this equation is a parabola which has several points:[br]Vertex (Turning Point)[br]0, 1, or 2 x-intecepts[br]1 y-intercept[/size]
[size=100]There is a sample chart on the worksheet. Create a similar chart on your paper; for the sketch column, allow more room. Move the sliders a, b, and c to create a record of your work.[br][br]Examine the table to see if you can determine a pattern for the variables a, b, and c from the chart. I suggest testing initially with only one slider at a time. Do a second chart varying only two sliders; then vary all three.[/size]

Information: Standard Form of Parabolas