nlhukhlTwo-digit whole numbers

Visualizing the meaning of two-digit numbers.
(Try moving the black slider.)

Tangram: Build the Triangle

'Tangram' Puzzle 'Cat'

Use all geometric shapes below in order to recreate the cat shown. You can translate the shapes by dragging the blue points. You can rotate the shapes by dragging the green points with the mouse. Click the little icon in the upper right corner in order to reset the worksheet and start over.

Seeing Multiplication

See multiplication in three models. Designed for whole numbers factors under 10 (but might work for larger).

Placing Numbers (up to 50)

Place the numbers on the number line. The left bound is 0. The right bound is up to you. Accuracy of placement will be determined relative to the placement largest number.

Addition (Up to 5 + 5)

[color=#000000][b]Attention ALL "THOMAS & FRIENDS" FANS:  [/b][br][br][i][b]Sir Topham Hatt needs your help!  [/b]He's having a very tough time figuring out the TOTAL NUMBER OF ENGINES scheduled to leave the Island of Sodor at one time!  [/i][br][br][i][b]When you create a new addition problem, simply line up all the engines of each color you will need on the brown track!   Then count them ALL!!!  This will be the SUM, or TOTAL AMOUNT of engines leaving Sodor.  After doing this, enter the SUM in the box provided towards the top.  [br][br]This will help you help Sir Topham Hatt figure out how many engines are leaving Sodor at one time!  [/b][br][br]Have fun with this!!![br]-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[br]For parents & teachers only (so your child or student doesn't think you're ignorant):[/i][/color][br][br][color=#0000ff][b]THOMAS is BLUE.[/b][/color][br][color=#ff0000][b]JAMES is RED.[/b][/color][br][b][color=#6aa84f]PERCY is GREEN. [/color][/b] 
