Magnetic Dipole in a Nonunif…

This simulation shows the forces that act on a magnetic dipole (loop of current) when it is place in a magnetic field. The slider on the left changes the current magnitude and direction. The slider in the middle changes the angle between the dipole and the magnetic field. The slider on the right changes the shape of the magnetic field. Move it left to make the field diverge, and move it right to make the field converge.
[list=1][*]The vector [math]\mu[/math] is the dipole moment vector. What factors does it depend on?[/*][*]Under which circumstances will the loop experience a net upward force?[/*][*]Under which circumstances will the loop experience a nonzero net torque?[/*][*]The right hand rule is used extensively in this simulation. Verify that each of the four force vectors shown here follows the right hand rule.[/*][/list]

Información: Magnetic Dipole in a Nonunif…