You have the option to create a new post at the top of tab [i][img width=30,height=20][/img] Posts[/i].
Click in the text field [i]What would you like to share? [/i]in order to open and edit a new post.[br][u][br]Note[/u]: If you cannot see this option at the top of tab [img width=30,height=20][/img] [i]Posts[/i], you probably don't have the corresponding user permissions in this Group. Please ask the [i]Owner(s) [/i]to change your user permissions accordingly.
As an Owner you can create a new post at the top of tab [i][img width=30,height=20][/img] Posts[/i] by selecting [i][img width=21,height=20][/img] Create Announcement[/i].
[list=1][*]Enter a [b]Title[/b] for the new post.[/*][*]Enter a [b]Text[/b] and describe the content you want to share in this post.[/*][*]Use [i]Add Resource [/i]and select the type of resource you want to share from the appearing list (optional).[/*][*]Decide whether your post should be [img][/img] [b]shown immediately[/b] or [img][/img] [b]stay hidden[/b] after you publish it (optional).[br][u]Note[/u]: You may change the visibility of the post at any time.[/*][*][b]Publish your post[/b] using [i]Post[/i].[br][/*][/list]
Use the button [i]Add Resource [/i]in order to add one or more resource(s) to your prepared post. [br][u]Note[/u]: You may select the type of resource you want to share from the drop-down menu. It is possible to add several resources to the same post.
[img][/img] [b]Create Activity[br][/b]Create a new Dynamic Activity using the Online Activity Editor. [br][br][img][/img] [b]Existing Resource[br][/b]Search for and share an existing Resource with the Group. [br][br][img][/img] [b]Image[br][/b]Upload and share an Image with the Group. [br][br][img][/img] [b]Video[br][/b]Share a link to a Video with the Group.[br][br][img][/img] [b]PDF File[/b][br]Upload and share a PDF file with the Group.
Use the button [img][/img] next to [i]What would you like to share?[/i] in order to directly create a resource post. [br][list=1][*][b]Create or search for the resource[/b] you want to share.[br][/*][*][b]Edit the Title and Description[/b] of your new post.[br][/*][*]Change the [b]Editing Settings[/b] of the resource.[br][/*][*][b]Add additional resources[/b] to the same post.[br][/*][*][b]Publish your post[/b] using [i]Post[/i].[br][/*][/list]