changing the appearance of a point

You can change the appearance of a point in a script. Following applets show how to change the size, the color or the style by clicking on a button or by moving a slider.
How do you do this?
Create a point A, whose properties we will change by buttons or sliders.[br][list][*][b]Size by button[/b]: [br]Create a button with the script [code]SetPointSize(A,9)[/code]to set its size to 9 on clicking.[/*][*][b]Size by slider[/b]: [br]- Create a slider with name [i]size[/i] with values from 1 to 9. [br]- Rightclick on the slider to open its Properties and select the tab Scripting.[br]- Type the command [code]SetPointSize(A,size)[/code] to change the size of A when moving the slider.[/*][*][b]Color by button[/b]: [br]Create a button with the script [code]SetColor(A, "Red")[/code] tot set the color to red on clicking.[/*][*][b]Color by sliders[/b]:[br]- Create sliders red, green and blue from [code]0[/code] to 1 with increment [code]0[/code].1[br]- Open the Properties of the slider [i]red[/i] and select the tab Scripting.[br]- Type the command [code]SetColor(A,red, green, blue)[/code] to change the color while moving the slider.[br]- Do the same for the sliders green and blue.[br]- Observe how you can create whatever color by while combinating the values of the sliders.[/*][*][b]Point style[/b]:[br]- Create a slider style from [code]0[/code] to 9 with increment 1.[br]- Open the Properties of the sleder and select the tab Scripting.[br]- Type the command [code]SetPointStyle(A, style)[/code] to change the style of A when moving the slider.[/*][*][b]Button reset[/b]: Create a button with following script to reset the settings of A on clicking:[br][code]SetPointSize(A,5)[br]SetColor(A,"Blue")[br]SetPointStyle(A,0)[/code][br][/*][/list]

Information: changing the appearance of a point