Enlargement Positive integer SF (NJT)

What stays the [b]same[/b] and what [b]changes[/b] when you move[br][list][br][*]the SF slider[br][*]the centre[br][*]the vertices A,B and C?[br][/list][br]Are there any points that do not move under this transformation?
[color=#0a971e]Created by N.Trubridge[/color]

Rotation of 0-360 degrees around a centre (NJT)

What stays the [b]same[/b] and what [b]changes[/b] when you move [list] [*]the slider? [*]the vertices B,C and D? [*]the centre of rotation? [/list] Are there any points that do not move under this transformation?

[color=#0a971e]Created by N.Trubridge[/color]

Reflection in the x axis

What stays the [b]same[/b] and what [b]changes[/b] as you move the points around?[br]Are there any points that do not move under this transformation?[br]Where would the co-ordinate (x,y) map to?
[color=#0a971e]Created by N.Trubridge[/color]
What happens

Translation 1 (NJT)

What stays the [b]same[/b] and what [b]changes[/b] when you move [list] [*]the vertices of the polygons? [*]the polygons? [*]the vector? [*]the ends of the vector? [/list] Do any points stay in the same place after this transformation?

[color=#0a971e]Created by N.Trubridge[/color]

Translation 3 (NJT)

What stays the [b]same[/b] and what [b]changes[/b] when you move [list] [*]the vector? [*]the ends of the vector? [*]the original function? [/list] Do any points stay in the same place after this transformation?

[color=#0a971e]Created by N.Trubridge[/color]

Function Transformations

This applet illustrates basic function transformations.
Function Transformations

2x2 Matrix Transformation

Experiment by altering the values of the matrix elements

Linear Transformations

Explore the effect of varying the elements of a linear transformation matrix. Press the animation button to let the computer take over.
Linear Transformations
