Which test did Alejandro do better on?

[b]Which test did Alejandro do better on?[/b] What kind of measurements matter?

Use the "investigate" slider to get more information. At each step, consider: does the new information change your answer about which test Alejandro performed better on?

Pearson's r (rough draft)

a rough draft You may drag points A, B, C, D You can also reposition the area chart.

Binomial Distribution

Drag sliders for the probability of success "p" and number of trials "n" The kth bar represents the probability of succeeding exactly k times out of n. Try this: drag the sliders to display the distribution that would represent a [b]12 question multiple choice test[/b] with [b]4 answer choices[/b]. What is the [i]most likely[/i] # of questions a student would get right if they guessed randomly? What are the approximate chances that they would get[i] more than half[/i] of the questions correct if guessing randomly?

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