Which test did Alejandro do better on?
[b]Which test did Alejandro do better on?[/b] What kind of measurements matter? |
Use the "investigate" slider to get more information. At each step, consider: does the new information change your answer about which test Alejandro performed better on? |
Pearson's r (rough draft)
a rough draft You may drag points A, B, C, D You can also reposition the area chart. |
Binomial Distribution
Drag sliders for the probability of success "p" and number of trials "n" The kth bar represents the probability of succeeding exactly k times out of n. Try this: drag the sliders to display the distribution that would represent a [b]12 question multiple choice test[/b] with [b]4 answer choices[/b]. What is the [i]most likely[/i] # of questions a student would get right if they guessed randomly? What are the approximate chances that they would get[i] more than half[/i] of the questions correct if guessing randomly? |
www.scottfarrar.com/blog @farrarscott |