AAS Theorem

[color=#1551b5]Submitted by Mr. Donald C. Albin Jr.[/color] Professional Educator [url]www.donaldalbin.99k.org[/url] Consider first the known side and the adjacent angle. In this diagram, side 'c' is assumed horizontal and of a known length and angle 'B' is known. Because of these constraints, the point 'A' must reside upon the ray extending from point 'B'. The angle at point 'A' is also known. [b]Directions[/b] [list] [*]Move point 'A' until the triangle is complete. [/list]

[b]Questions to promote inquiry[/b] [list] [*]Is it reasonable to assume segment 'c' is horizontal, as drawn? [*]At how many different locations can point 'A' reside? [*]Why doesn't the the ray extending from point 'A' change direction? [/list]