Parallelogram linkage

Example of the parallelogram and contra-parallelogram linkages.
Parallelogram linkage

Watt's linkage

This is an example of Watt's straight-line linkage. The point between the moving pivots traces an approximate straight-line.
Watt's linkage

Peaucellier linkage

This illustrates the movement of the Peaucellier linkage which transforms the circle traced by B into straight-line traced by F.
Peaucellier linkage

Kempe's Reversor

This linkage is Kempe's reversor, which generates equal and angular movement of two links.
Kempe's Reversor

Kempe Rectilinear Linkage

This linkage was introduced by Kempe in his book How to draw a straight-line. It guides a link on a purely rectilinear movement.
Kempe Rectilinear Linkage
