How to Post Tasks (Owners only)

Post a Task
[list=1][*][b]Create a new [i]Task[/i][/b] on tab [img width=30,height=20][/img] [i]Posts [/i]by selecting [img][/img] [i]Create Task[/i].[br][u]Note[/u]: You may want to add a [i]Title [/i]and / or [i]Description [/i]of the [i]Task[/i] you want to share.[/*][*][b]Set an optional due date[/b] you want the Members having finished the [i]Task[/i].[br][/*][*][b]Add a prepared [i]Task [/i]Activity[/b] to the post using the button [i]Add Resource [/i]and selecting the option [i]Existing Resource[/i][br]OR[br]Directly create a new [i]Task [/i]Activity using the option [i]Create Activity[/i].[br][u]Note[/u]: It is possible to add several resources (Activities, Images, PDF Files, Videos) to the same post.[/*][*]Click [i]Post [/i]in order to [b]publish your post[/b].[br][/*][/list]
Add Resource
Use the button Add Resource in order to add one or more resource(s) to your [i]Task[/i]. [br][br][img width=16,height=16][/img] Create Activity[br]Create a new Dynamic Activity for your [i]Task[/i] using the Online Activity Editor.[br][br][img width=16,height=16][/img] Existing Resource[br]Search for an existing Dynamic Activity and add it to your [i]Task[/i]. [br][br][img width=16,height=16][/img] Image[br]Upload and add an Image to your [i]Task[/i]. [br][br][img width=16,height=16][/img] Video[br]Share a link to a Video in your [i]Task[/i].[br][br][img width=16,height=16][/img] PDF File[br]Upload and add a PDF file to your [i]Task[/i].[br][br]
Post Settings
When you create a post including a [i]Task[/i], you have access the following [i]Post settings[/i]:[br][list][*][img][/img] Decide about the visibility of your post [/*][*][img][/img] Remove the resource from the post[/*][*]Access the [img][/img] [i]Resource settings[/i][/*][*]Add additional resources to your post using [i]Add Resource[/i][/*][*]Publish your [i]Task[/i] using [i]Post[/i][/*][/list][br]Once you have published your post including a [i]Task[/i], you have the following additional options:[br][list][*][img][/img] Access this [i]Task[/i] on tab [img width=30,height=20][/img] [i]Feedback[/i][/*][*][img][/img] Edit your post[/*][*][img][/img] Delete your post[/*][*][img][/img] Archive your post[br][/*][/list]
Task Settings
After adding a [i]Task[/i] to your post, you may access the following [i]Task settings[/i]:[br][br][b][img][/img] Editing permissions[/b][br]Decide, who is allowed to edit the original [i]Task.[/i][br][br][img][/img] [b]Show Check button[/b][br]Allow Members to check their answers themselves using [i]Check[/i].[br][u]Note[/u]:  Automatic checking is only available for[i] Multiple Choice Questions[/i], as well as for [i]Open Questions[/i] for which an exemplary answer was provided by the [i]Owner[/i].
Task Statistics
Depending on your role in the Group, information and statistics about the [i]Task [/i]are displayed in the [i]Task [/i]post.[br][br][b][i]Owners[/i] [/b]can see the [b]statistics[/b] for the corresponding [i]Task[/i]:[br][list][*][img][/img] 1/4: Number of [i]Members[/i] who already started to work on the [i]Task [/i](status [i]In progress[/i]).[/*][*][img][/img] 2/4: Number of Members whose [i]Task [/i]was already reviewed by the [i]Owner [/i]and set to status [i]Completed[/i].[/*][/list]
[b][i]Members[/i] [/b]can see their [b]status [/b]for the corresponding [i]Task[/i]:[br][list][*][i]Status [/i]of the Task:  [img][/img] [i]Not started[/i], [img][/img] [i]In progress[/i], [img width=20,height=20][/img] Turned in  [img][/img] [i]Complete[/i][br][/*][*][i]Check[/i] button: Whether the [i]Owner[/i] allows automatic checking of questions.[i] [/i][br][/*][/list]

Information: How to Post Tasks (Owners only)