Linear Programming

Bill sells guitars and basses. Each bass sells for $900 and each guitar sells for $750. He can sell no more than 50 instruments in all. The number of guitars he sells will always be at least twice the number of basses. He always sells at least 17 guitars and 5 basses. Let g = #guitars and b = #basses, and write a system of inequalities expressing the constraints. Graph the system and shade the feasible region. Let M be the total amount of money generated from selling the instruments, find the values of g and b that generate the maximum value of M. (Problem from Algebra and Trigonometry Prentice Hall Page 162)

Parabola Drawn From Definition

Parabola - The set of all points the same distance from a point and a line. Position the directix using points A and B. Position the Focus. Move point D along the directrix to construct the parabola. Press Ctrl-F to delete the trace.

Exploring Higher Degree Functions

Adjust the sliders to determine relationships between the degree of the function and end behavior, also determine how you can find all intercepts based on the different parts of the equations.

Exponential Functions

The target of this lab is to identify the domain and range for different exponential functions.

Definition of a Radian

Definition of a Radian Worksheet - answer the questions on this online worksheet and then complete the practice problems on accompany .pdf worksheet. Download the handouts that go along with this lesson by visiting this link: Algebra 2 & Trig HSCL - Mr. Rothman

Download the handouts that go along with this lesson by visiting this link:

Solving Absolute Value Inequalities Visually, Less Than
