Moving a Point on the Coordinate Grid

Move around the point.[br][br]See how its [math]x[/math] and [math]y[/math] value change as its location changes.

Distance Between Two Points

Move Point A or B. Notice how the distance between the two points changes.

The Slope-Intercept Form of a Linear Equation

The slope-intercept form of a linear equation is [math]y = mx +b[/math]. Move slider [math]m[/math]. See the steepness of the line change. The slope of the line is [math]m[/math]. When [math]m[/math] is negative, the direction of the line changes. When [math]m = 0[/math], the line is flat. Vertical lines do not have a slope. Where the line intersects the [math]y[/math]-axis is the [math]y[/math]-intercept point of the line. The [math]y[/math]-intercept is the point [math](0, b)[/math]. Only the [math]b[/math] is used in the equation, and it is the constant term of the equation. Move slider [math]b[/math]. See the line move up or down. When [math]b[/math] is positive, the y-intercept is above the [math]x[/math]-axis. When [math]b[/math] is negative, the y-intercept is below the [math]x[/math]-axis.

To remember the different meaning for different slope values: It is easy to walk across the flat ground. When [math]m=0[/math], it is like flat ground. Some climbs are barely hills, some are challenging hikes, and others require major planning and safety gear. When [math]0<m<1[/math], the climb is barely a hill. When [math]m=1[/math], the slope is 45 degree from the [math]x[/math]-axis and is a challenging hike. When [math]m>1[/math], the line approaches the [math]y[/math]-axis and becomes a major climb requiring planning and safety gear. Only dare devils would scale the side of a skyscraper. The steepness of a vertical line is akin to scaling the side of a skyscraper. The slope does not exist.

Equations of Parallel Lines

Line [math]a[/math] and Line [math]c[/math] are parallel lines. They have the same slope.[br][br][math]y=mx+b[/math] is the slope-intercept form of a linear equation.[br]The slope is [math]m[/math].[br][br]Move slider [math]m[/math]. The slope for both lines will change. [br][br]Move slider [math]b[/math]. Line [math]a[/math] will move, but line [math]c[/math] will be stationary.
Equations of Parallel Lines
