Symmetry Exploration

Move point C to the center of the image, then move the slider to see the rotation al symmetries of the image.
At what degree angles does the image line up with itself? (These are called the rotational symmetries of the image)
Move points A and B so that the line AB becomes a line of reflection. (The opaque image must overlap exactly with the original.) When the image lines up with itself, this is called a reflectional symmetry.
Use your own words to describe all four lines of reflectional symmetry.
Try to do the same thing with a new square image. Does anything change?
Based on your exploration, list all of the rotational symmetries for the yellow/green image. Why do you think they are different from the flag image?
Based on your exploration, list all of the reflectional symmetries for the yellow/green image. Why do you think they are different from the flag image?
Draw in all the lines of reflectional symmetries of a regular pentagon and find the center point of rotational symmetry.
What is the smallest angle of rotational symmetry for the regular pentagon?

Information: Symmetry Exploration