CCSS IP Math I 4.1.3 Example 2

Kayla is trying to estimate the cost of a house painter. She receives the following estimates, in dollars. 1288 1640 1547 1842 1553 1604 2858 1150 1844 1045 1347 She takes the mean of the data and states that the estimated cost of a house painter is $1,610.73. Is her estimate accurate?

[list=1] [*]Order the data from least to greatest. [*]Calculate the interquartile range (IQR). [*]Multiply 1.5 times IQR. [*]Determine if there are any outliers at the lower end of the data. [*]Determine if there are any outliers at the upper end of the data. [*]List all the outliers. [*]Create a box plot of the data set. [*]Describe how the outlier has influenced the center of the data. [*]Describe how the outlier has influenced the shape of the data. [*]Describe how the outlier has influenced the spread of the data. [*]Determine a reasonable estimate for the cost of a house painter. [/list]