Tab Feedback: Grid (Owners only)

Layout of the Grid
You may display the content of tab [i][img width=30,height=20][/img] Feedback [/i]as a [img][/img] [i]Grid[/i] providing an overview about the work of each [i]Member[/i] of the Group.[br][u]Note[/u]: [i]Owners [/i]may switch to a [img][/img] [i]List[/i] using the [img][/img] [i]Group Settings[/i].[br][br]The rows of the [img][/img] Grid list all [i]Members[/i] of the Group, while all [i]Tasks [/i]are displayed in the columns, grouped by posts and sorted by date.
Status of each Task
For each [i]Member[/i] of the Group the current status of the [i]Task [/i]is indicated:[list][*][img][/img] [i][b]Not started[/b][/i]: The [i]Member [/i]did not view / work on the [i]Task [/i]yet.[/*][*][img][/img] [b][i]In progres[/i]s[/b]: The [i]Member worked[/i] on the [i]Task[/i].[/*][*][img width=17,height=17][/img] [i][b]Turned in:[/b][/i] The [i]Member[/i] finished working on the Task which is ready to be reviewed by the [i]Owner[/i].[br][/*][*][img][/img] [i][b]Complete[/b][/i]: The [i]Task [/i]was reviewed and set to completed by the [i]Owner[/i].[/*][/list][u]Note[/u]: You may use the [i]Filter[/i] icons in order to only display [i]Tasks[/i], that are [img][/img] [i]Not started, [img][/img] In progress[/i], [img width=18,height=18][/img][br][i]Turned in[/i] or [img][/img] [i]Completed[/i] in the Grid.[br][u]Note:[/u] In addition you can see, if a Task has been turned in too late, if you set a due date for the Task. In this case the word LATE will be shown next to the status of the Task.
If a [img][/img] comment was added to a [i]Task [/i]by a [i]Member [/i](e.g. a question about a [i]Task[/i]) or the [i]Owner [/i](e.g. answer to a Member's question, feedback), the corresponding  [img][/img] comment icon is displayed next to the status of the [i]Task[/i]. [br][u]Note[/u]: [img][/img] New comments are indicated in blue.
How to View and Review Tasks
[b]View a Task[/b][br]By clicking on the [i]Task [/i]in the first row of the [img][/img] [i]Grid[/i], the [i]Owner [/i]may view and try out the [i]Task[/i] in order to check what it will look like for the [i]Members[/i]. [br][u]Note[/u]: The [i]Owner [/i]may try out the [i]Task [/i]and save a solution, which is not publicly accessible.[br][br][b]Review a Member's Work[/b][br]If you click on one of the cells of the [img][/img] [i]Grid[/i], you can open the [i]Task [/i]and review the corresponding [i]Member's [/i]work.[br][br][b]Information about a Task[/b][br]If you move your cursor over a cell of the [img][/img] [i]Grid[/i], some additional information (e.g. date of last modification) is displayed.

Information: Tab Feedback: Grid (Owners only)