SAS ~ Theorem

[color=#000000]In the applet below, you'll find two triangles.  [/color][br][br][color=#000000]Interact with the applet below for a few minutes. [/color][color=#000000]As you do, be sure to move the locations of the [/color][color=#38761d][b]green triangle's[/b][/color][color=#000000] [b]BIG BLACK VERTICES[/b] and the location of the [b]BIG X[/b].[br][/color][color=#000000]You can also adjust the value of [/color][i][color=#000000]k[/color][/i][color=#000000] by using the slider or by entering a value between 0 & 1. [/color][color=#000000] [br][/color][color=#000000] [/color][br] 

Information: SAS ~ Theorem