Inserting Pictures into a Text Processing Document

Inserting pictures to MS Word
After exporting a figure from GeoGebra as .[i]png [/i]file, you can now paste it into a word processing document (e.g. MS Word).[br][list][*]Open a new text processing document.[br][/*][*] From the [i]Insert[/i] menu select [i]Picture[/i]. Choose the .[i]png [/i]file you want insert at the position of the cursor.[br][/*][/list][br][b]Reducing the size of pictures[/b][br]If necessary you can reduce the size of the picture in MS Word:[br][list][*] Double-click the inserted picture.[br][/*][*]Change the height/width of the picture using the [i]Size[/i] group on the right.[/*][/list][br][u]Note[/u]: If you change the size of a picture, the scale is modified. If you want to maintain the scale (e.g. for your students to measure lengths) make sure the size of the picture is 100%.[br][br][u]Note[/u]: If a picture is too big to fit on one page, MS Word will reduce its size automatically and thus, change its scale.
Inserting pictures to LibreOffice Writer
[list][*]Open a new text processing document.[br][/*][*]From the [i]Insert [/i]menu select first [i]Picture[/i] and then[i] from File [/i]to insert your .[i]png [/i]file[/*][/list][br][b]Reducing the size of pictures in LibreOffice Writer[/b][br][list][*] Double-click the inserted picture.[br][/*][*] Select the [i]Type[/i] tab in the appearing [i]Picture[/i] window.[br][/*][*]Change width/height of the picture.[br][/*][*] Click [i]OK.[/i][/*][/list]
Insert an arbitrary picture of the GeoGebra [img][/img] Graphics View into a text processing document.[br][br][u]Note[/u]: You can save the [img][/img] Graphics View to clipboard, if you use GeoGebra Desktop (File-Export-Graphics View to Clipboard).

Information: Inserting Pictures into a Text Processing Document