Tips & tricks

Good points to remember (Cheat Sheet)
[b]Input[/b]:[br][list][*]Capital letters matter: X is not the same as x.[br][/*][*][b]Space [/b]can be a multiplication sign: ax in y = ax + b is interpreted as a new, previously undefined variable. Instead, use y = a x + b or y = a*x + b.[br][/*][*]Use [b]up [/b]and [b]down [/b]arrows in the input bar to scroll through previous commands.[br][/*][*]Pressing [b]Enter [/b]will move the text cursor to the input bar.[br][/*][*][b]F3 [/b]will copy a selected object's definition to the input bar for easy redefinitions.[br][/*][*]The input help is found under the little triangle  to the right of the input bar.[br][/*][/list][b]Sliders[/b]:[br][list][*]Use [b]Arrow keys[/b] to control sliders, numbers and points.[br][/*][*]Set the increment in the [b]Properties dialogue[/b], on the Slider tab.[br][/*][*]Use [b]Shift-Arrow[/b] for fine-tuning with 1/10 of the increment.[br][/*][*]Use [b]Ctrl-Arrow[/b] for larger jumps with 10x the increment.[br][/*][*]Use [b]Alt-Arrow[/b] for really large jumps with 100x the increment.[br][/*][/list][b]Points, lists, and commands[/b]:[br][list][*]Points are written within parentheses: (3,5), (4.7,3.52), (a,f(a))…[br][/*][*]x(A) and y(A) returns the x- and y-coordinates for point A.[br][/*][*]Lists are written within curly braces: data = {A,B,C,D,E}.[br][/*][*]Commands have square brackets and capitals: Intersect[f,g] but ordinary parentheses are also allowed: Intersect(f,g).[br][/*][/list][b]Alt key[/b]:[br][list][*][b]Alt-a[/b] gives [math]\alpha[/math], [b]Alt-b[/b] gives [math]\beta[/math], etc. [b]Alt-o[/b] gives the degree sign 360°.[br][/*][*][b]Alt-i[/b] gives you the imaginary unit [i]i[/i], [b]Alt-p[/b] gives [math]\pi[/math], and [b]Alt-e[/b] gives [i]e[/i] = 2,718…[br][/*][*][b]Alt-2[/b], [b]Alt-3[/b]… give you whole number powers. Use ^2.5 for other powers.[br][/*][*]Indexes are typed with an [u]underscore[/u]: S_1 = [math]S_1[/math].[br][/*][*]Special characters are found under the alpha sign  to the right in the input bar[br][/*][/list][b]Graphics window[/b]:[br][list][*]The axes have names: [b]xAxis [/b]and [b]yAxis[/b].[br][/*][*]x(P) and y(P) gives you the coordinates of the point P.[br][/*][*][b]Ctrl-Drag[/b] the axes to zoom and [b]Drag [/b]the background to pan.[br][/*][*][b]Escape [/b]de-selects any selected objects and activates the selection tool (the arrow).[br][/*][/list][b]Objects[/b]:[br][list][*]Rename objects immediately after creation by just starting to type the name.[br][/*][*]Double-click objects to redefine them[br][/*][*][b]Drag [/b]from the Algebra window to the Graphics window to create a text label.[br][/*][*]Hide or show objects by clicking the visibility button  in the Algebra window.[br][/*][/list][b]Miscellaneous[/b]:[br][list][*][b]Ctrl-F[/b] will erase tracks from tracing objects.[br][/*][*][b]F9 [/b]will recalculate random numbers[br][/*][*][b]Ctrl-Shift-S[/b] opens the spreadsheet. [b]Ctrl-Shift-2[/b] opens Graphics Window 2.[br][/*][*][b]View > Keyboard[/b] to get a virtual keyboard on-screen.[br][/*][/list]Make use of the user manuals, guides, and forums online. Links are in the [b]Help[/b]-menu.

Information: Tips & tricks