Centroid of a polygon

In response to a question on StackExchange...

The accompanying text is here: [url]http://math.stackexchange.com/questions/90463/how-can-i-calculate-the-centroid-of-polygon[/url] Notes: So... GGB agrees with me: The red ring at [math]C_j[/math] is my formula, the small diamond inside is Centroid[Jerome]. As you can test for yourself, GGB allows self-intersecting polygons. But Slumberland knows his centroid is now wrong! See how Centroid[Jerome] follows? I am left with some questions: 1. How shall we define a self-intersecting polygon? 2. Are GGB's definitions valid? 3. Are they [i]true?[/i] I will provide a solution to the first question. I suggest the answers to 2. and 3. are [i]Yes[/i], and [i]No.[/i] ______ Uses: Centroid of a Triangle: [url]http://www.geogebratube.org/material/show/id/93237[/url]