How to Create an ASA Triangle Construction

Construct a triangle for which two angles and their enclosed side are given (ASA).[br][u]Note[/u]: You might want to check out the example below before you start your construction.
[br][table][tr id=boolslider][td]1.[/td][td][icon]/images/ggb/toolbar/mode_slider.png[/icon][/td][td]Create a slider [i]c[/i] with the interval 0 to 10 and the increment 0.1. [/td][/tr][tr id=step2fix][td]2.[/td][td][icon]/images/ggb/toolbar/mode_segmentfixed.png[/icon][/td][td]Create a segment starting at point [i]A[/i] with length [i]c[/i].[/td][/tr][tr id=boolalpha][td]3.[/td][td][icon][/icon][/td][td]Create a slider for angle [math]\alpha[/math] with the interval 0° to 180°. [/td][/tr][tr id=step4][td]4.[/td][td][icon][/icon][/td][td]Create an angle with size [math]\alpha[/math] at point [i]A[/i].[br][u]Note[/u]: Make sure the angle has counterclockwise orientation.[/td][/tr][tr id=step5fix][td]5.[/td][td][icon]/images/ggb/toolbar/mode_ray.png[/icon][/td][td]Create a ray starting at point [i]A[/i] through the new point [i]B'[/i].[/td][/tr][/table]
Instructions (continued)
[table][tr id=boolbeta][td]6.[/td][td][icon][/icon][/td][td]Create a slider for angle [math]\beta[/math] with the interval 0° to 180°. [/td][/tr][tr id=step7fix][td]7.[/td][td][icon][/icon][/td][td]Create an angle with size [math]\beta[/math] at point [i]B[/i].[br][u]Note[/u]: Make sure the angle has clockwise orientation this time.[/td][/tr][tr id=step8fix][td]8.[/td][td][icon][/icon][/td][td]Create a ray starting at point [i]B[/i] through the new point [i]A'[/i].[/td][/tr][tr id=step9][td]9.[/td][td][icon][/icon][/td][td]Create the intersection point [i]C[/i] of both rays.[/td][/tr][tr id=step10][td]10.[/td][td][icon][/icon][/td][td]Create the triangle [i]ABC[/i].[/td][/tr][tr id=boolcolor][td]11.[/td][td][img][/img][/td][td]Use the [i]Style Bar[/i] in order to assign a different color to each slider. Then, match the color of the interior angles of the triangle with the color of the corresponding slider.[br][/td][/tr][tr id=booldashed][td]12.[/td][td][img][/img][/td][td]Change the style of the rays to dashed.[br][/td][/tr][/table]
Task 2
Which of the following conditions have to be fulfilled in order to allow the construction of a unique triangle?
