Exploring the Properties of a Kite

Click on the boxes to show various measurements within the kite. [br][br]Change the size of the kite by clicking and dragging point A, B, or C.[br][br]Make conjectures about the properties of a kite.
For each of the questions below that you can answer yes to regardless of where you place point A, B, or C, write a check mark in that box on your summary chart under kite. [br][br]Is there exactly 1 pair of parallel sides?[br]Are there 2 pairs of parallel sides?[br]Is there exactly 1 pair of congruent sides?[br]Are there 2 pairs of congruent sides?[br]Are all 4 sides congruent to each other?[br]Are the diagonals perpendicular?[br]Are the diagonals congruent?[br]Do the diagonals bisect the angles?[br]Do the diagonals bisect each other?[br]Is there exactly 1 pair of opposite angles congruent?[br]Are 2 pairs of opposite congruent angles?[br]Are all the angles congruent?[br]Are the base angles congruent?
