Collinear Points (Definition Prompt)

Warm Up--See below:
Questions:[br][br]1) After seeing what you now see, what does it mean for points to be non-collinear? [br]2) Consider [b]only 2 points[/b] [b]A[/b] and [b]B[/b]. Is it ever possible for [b]A[/b] & [b]B[/b] to be non-collinear? Why or why not? Explain.

Proving Segments Congruent (Exercise)

In the applet below, use the provided transformational geometry tools within the limited toolbar [b]to prove [/b]that [color=#9900ff][b]segment f[/b][/color] [b]IS CONGRUENT TO[/b] [color=#444444][b]segment g[/b][/color]. [br][br]Feel free to place the segments wherever you'd like prior to starting this exercise. [br][br]If you don't recall what it means for segments to be considered congruent, [url=]click here[/url] for a refresher.

SAP Problem 1 (Discovery)

The questions you need to answer will appear in the applet below. So get started!

AAP - Problem 1 (Discovery)

The questions you need to answer will soon appear in the applet below.[br]So, get started!

Vertical Angles Exploration (1)

Interact with this app for a few minutes. Be sure to drag the LARGE POINT around and be sure to move the 2 sliders you see.
Notice anything interesting? Describe as best as you can.
What happens if you make the size of the [b][color=#ff00ff]angle[/color][/b] BIGGER or smaller? [br][br][b][color=#ff00ff](You can change the size of the manila angle by using the manila-colored slider). [/color][/b]Does your response to the question above change? Why? Why not? Describe.

Where is the Treasure?

You are on a treasure hunt. On the map below, there is a treasure. The treasure is supposedly buried in the field on which you and your friend are standing. [br]Inside this field are a birdbath [color=#c51414]fountain[/color], [color=#1551b5]flagpole[/color], and a [color=#0a971e]tree[/color] (see applet below.) [b]Here's what you DO know:[/b][br][br]1) The location of the treasure is located at a point that is 15 m away from the [color=#1551b5]flagpole[/color].[br]2) The treasure is just as far away from the [color=#0a971e]tree[/color] as it is from the [color=#c51414]fountain[/color]. [br][br]For this applet below, assume that 1 unit represents 2 m (in real life). Use the tools of GeoGebra in the applet below to determine a possible location of this treasure.[br]After locating a location, label its point "T" (for "Treasure").
Additional Questions:[br][br]1) How many possibilities are there for the location of the treasure? [br]2) If you only found one possible location, find the other possible location of the treasure. [br][br][b]Be sure to use the tools of GeoGebra to CLEARLY DEMONSTRATE/SHOW that the 2 criteria (listed above the applet) are met! [/b]
