Build a triangle from medians?

Three line segments ([b][i]dotted lines[/i][/b]) intersect at a point that divides the lengths of each of the segments in the ratio of 2 to 1.[br][br]These three line segments could be the medians of a triangle.[br][br]You can use the sliders to set the size of these three line segments. The changed lengths will maintain the 2:1 ratio. Try to set them so that points A and B, B and C, and C and A are joined by straight line segments.[br][br]Alternatively, you can try to drag the points A,B and C to where you think the vertices of the target triangle are. When A, B and C lie on the vertices of the target triangle the angle between two segments of the same color will be 180 degrees.[br][br]Can a triangle always be made this way? Can you prove it?

Information: Build a triangle from medians?