Statistics Demonstrations
1. One Variable Statistics
- AQR Section 17: Mean but Sensitive
- AQR Section 6: Weighted Average Exploration
- AQR Section 16: Five Number Summary Exploration
- AQR Section 17: Where's the Mean?
- AQR Section 17: Which Histogram has more Variation?
- AQR Section 16: Matching a Pie Chart to a Dot Plot
2. Two Variable Statistics
- Guess the Correlation!
- Polynomial Curve Fit
- Sampling from a population of ordered pairs
- Sensistive r
- Least Squares Demonstration
3. Simulations
- Bag of Marbles
- Coin Flip Simulation
- Dice Roll Simulation
- acertar en la diana - 3
4. Probability Distributions
- Normal Curve Demonstration
- Binomial Distribution with Normal Approximation
- Student-t vs. Z
5. Randomizers
- Playing Card Dealer
- Create Random Integer Lists
- Spinner
- Non-transitive Spinners
- Flipping 5 Coins
6. Other
- Chaos Game
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Statistics Demonstrations
George Sturr, Jermaine Magee, Jan 15, 2016

Table of Contents
- One Variable Statistics
- AQR Section 17: Mean but Sensitive
- AQR Section 6: Weighted Average Exploration
- AQR Section 16: Five Number Summary Exploration
- AQR Section 17: Where's the Mean?
- AQR Section 17: Which Histogram has more Variation?
- AQR Section 16: Matching a Pie Chart to a Dot Plot
- Two Variable Statistics
- Guess the Correlation!
- Polynomial Curve Fit
- Sampling from a population of ordered pairs
- Sensistive r
- Least Squares Demonstration
- Simulations
- Bag of Marbles
- Coin Flip Simulation
- Dice Roll Simulation
- acertar en la diana - 3
- Probability Distributions
- Normal Curve Demonstration
- Binomial Distribution with Normal Approximation
- Student-t vs. Z
- Randomizers
- Playing Card Dealer
- Create Random Integer Lists
- Spinner
- Non-transitive Spinners
- Flipping 5 Coins
- Other
- Chaos Game
One Variable Statistics
1. AQR Section 17: Mean but Sensitive
2. AQR Section 6: Weighted Average Exploration
3. AQR Section 16: Five Number Summary Exploration
4. AQR Section 17: Where's the Mean?
5. AQR Section 17: Which Histogram has more Variation?
6. AQR Section 16: Matching a Pie Chart to a Dot Plot
AQR Section 17: Mean but Sensitive
The mean is a measure of center and balance point for a distribution. Below is a distribution of 11 data points. Move the blue point to see how the mean responds to changing this single value within the distribution.
Use the New Data Set button, to try this action for several distributions.

Is the mean a resistant measure of center for a distribution?
Is the mean sensitive to a substantial change in the movable blue value?
Guess the Correlation!
Guess the correlation of the random scatter plot!

Bag of Marbles

Contact us at ptierneyfife@edc.org if this resource should be updated, or with questions or suggestions. We appreciate your help maintaining the quality of this resource.
Normal Curve Demonstration
Drag the sliders to see how changing the mean and standard deviation changes the normal curve.

Playing Card Dealer
Click to get a random hand of cards from a shuffled deck of 52 standard playing cards.

Chaos Game
Creates an image based on the Chaos Game wikipedia Wolfram
It takes a random point in the polygon and then translates it by a fixed fraction of the distance to one of the vertices chosen at random. This iteration is repeated.
Sides gives the number of sides in the polygon
Points is the number of points per iteration
Fraction sets the fraction
Speed adjusts the animation speed
The default settings produce the Sierpinski Triangle
Chaos Game

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