Mike May Calculus
1. Overview
- Overview of Calculus Book
- AP Calculus AB: Average Value of a Function
2. Chapter 1 Preliminary material
- Chapter 1 overview
- Exponential Functions
- Translations and Compressions
- Sin Curve Fitting
- Translation Fitting Drill
- Family of Functions
- Unit Circle - exact values
- Polar Grapher
- Trig Review
3. Chapter 2 Limits
- Intuitive Definition of Limit
- Delta-Epsilon Limit demonstration
4. Chapter 3 Derivatives conceptually
- Numeric Derivative at a Point
- Numeric Derivative via Secant Lines
- Zoom to tangent line
- Secant to Tangent Line
- Derivative Builder
- Second Derivative Plot
- Diferentiability
- Product and Quotient Rules Derivatives Drill
- chain rule demonstration
5. Chapter 4 Derivatives symbolically
- Derivative Plot
- Simple Derivative Drill Applet
- Chain Rule Derivatives Drill
- Chain Rule With One Inner Function
- Chain Rule with Two Inner Functions
- parametric derivative
- Calculus - The Derivative of an Inverse Function
6. Chapter 5 Applications of the derivative
- Chapter working notes
- Newton's Method
- Linearization and Linear Approximation Demonstration
- Linear (Tangent Line) Approximation
- Optimize area of side-by-side rectangular plots
- Optimization - Rowing and Running
- Section 2.8-Related Rates-Ladder Falling
- Related Rates - Square
- Slope Fields
- Parametric Curves and tangent line
7. Chapter 6 Integrals
- Simple Sums
- Riemann Sum from a to b.
- Comparing Numeric Integration Methods
- Compare Reimann Sums
- U-Substitution demonstration
- Integration Drill Applet
- Euler's Method
8. Chapter 7 Applications of integration
- Area Between Curves
- Solids Of Revolution: Disk Method
- Volumes: Disk Method
- Solids Of Revolution Shell Method
- Visualizing solids with regular cross sections
- Arc Length Exploration
- Solids with Known Cross-Sections Project
- Solids with Different Cross Sections
- Solids Formed From Certain Cross Sections
9. Chapter 8 Series
- Taylor Polynomial of f(x) centered at point a
- Customizable Solids of Revolution (y-axis)
- Radius of convergence
- Fourier Series
- Taylor Polynomials and Convergence
10. Chapter 9 Differential Equations
- Slope Fields
- Slope Fields.
- Euler's Method
- Slopefields and Euler's Method
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Mike May Calculus
Mike May, Jun 25, 2014

This is a collection of applets for single variable calculus. It should grow as time goes on. Let me know if you can think of demonstrations that should be added.
Table of Contents
- Overview
- Overview of Calculus Book
- AP Calculus AB: Average Value of a Function
- Chapter 1 Preliminary material
- Chapter 1 overview
- Exponential Functions
- Translations and Compressions
- Sin Curve Fitting
- Translation Fitting Drill
- Family of Functions
- Unit Circle - exact values
- Polar Grapher
- Trig Review
- Chapter 2 Limits
- Intuitive Definition of Limit
- Delta-Epsilon Limit demonstration
- Chapter 3 Derivatives conceptually
- Numeric Derivative at a Point
- Numeric Derivative via Secant Lines
- Zoom to tangent line
- Secant to Tangent Line
- Derivative Builder
- Second Derivative Plot
- Diferentiability
- Product and Quotient Rules Derivatives Drill
- chain rule demonstration
- Chapter 4 Derivatives symbolically
- Derivative Plot
- Simple Derivative Drill Applet
- Chain Rule Derivatives Drill
- Chain Rule With One Inner Function
- Chain Rule with Two Inner Functions
- parametric derivative
- Calculus - The Derivative of an Inverse Function
- Chapter 5 Applications of the derivative
- Chapter working notes
- Newton's Method
- Linearization and Linear Approximation Demonstration
- Linear (Tangent Line) Approximation
- Optimize area of side-by-side rectangular plots
- Optimization - Rowing and Running
- Section 2.8-Related Rates-Ladder Falling
- Related Rates - Square
- Slope Fields
- Parametric Curves and tangent line
- Chapter 6 Integrals
- Simple Sums
- Riemann Sum from a to b.
- Comparing Numeric Integration Methods
- Compare Reimann Sums
- U-Substitution demonstration
- Integration Drill Applet
- Euler's Method
- Chapter 7 Applications of integration
- Area Between Curves
- Solids Of Revolution: Disk Method
- Volumes: Disk Method
- Solids Of Revolution Shell Method
- Visualizing solids with regular cross sections
- Arc Length Exploration
- Solids with Known Cross-Sections Project
- Solids with Different Cross Sections
- Solids Formed From Certain Cross Sections
- Chapter 8 Series
- Taylor Polynomial of f(x) centered at point a
- Customizable Solids of Revolution (y-axis)
- Radius of convergence
- Fourier Series
- Taylor Polynomials and Convergence
- Chapter 9 Differential Equations
- Slope Fields
- Slope Fields.
- Euler's Method
- Slopefields and Euler's Method
Overview of Calculus Book
This GeoGebraBook is intended as a collection of material for single variable calculus.
It will be organized following the normal syllabus of a standard course.
This is also something of a proof of concept project. It will have a number of additions that
can be described as me checking to see if I can do things with features of Geogebra or GeoGebraBooks
or to show off constructions others have made that I think of as cool.
This page is my first attempt at looking at the new page structure in GeoGebraBooks, allowing richer content on a page.
As mentioned above this is also a proof of concept project.
Some of the applets are my own work. Some are modifications of applets created by others. Some are simply the work of others.
The applets included span a variety of models for what an applet can do.
A number of the applets are visual demonstrations of some concept.
The applets I choose tend to give you the option of using your favorite function in the demonstration.
I think of this as "classic GeoGebra"

As I modification of the first model, I have moved toward having a number of preset examples ready for selection, typically with a slider bar. This makes it easy to work through the examples that show features of interest.

I have also started playing with applets that are designed as drill tools. This uses the CAS engine. It lets students do unlimited drill and get immediate feedback.

I also have found interesting applets that do a fixed example, but use several sheets for explanation.

In the review material I use an applet that simply reviews trig functions of standard angles.

Chapter 1 Preliminary material
Those things from before calculus that need to be reviewed in a calculus class.
1. Chapter 1 overview
2. Exponential Functions
3. Translations and Compressions
4. Sin Curve Fitting
5. Translation Fitting Drill
6. Family of Functions
7. Unit Circle - exact values
8. Polar Grapher
9. Trig Review
Chapter 1 overview
Whenever we teach calculus we find a need to do some review of previous material.
This chapter provides applets for review of material where calculus depends on previous material.
1) Family of Functions is designed to look at functions with parameters. We want students to have a good intuitive grasp of the generic graph of classes of functions,
2) Trig review
3) Compression and translation
Intuitive Definition of Limit
In this applet, we see a function graphed in the -plane.
You can move the blue point on the -axis and you can change , the "radius" of an interval centered about that point.
The point has -value , and you can see the values of and .
You can use the pre-loaded examples chosen with the slider or type in your own functions with option 10.
We say exists if all the values of are "really close" to some number whenever is "really close" to .

- Start by dragging the blue point on the -axis. What is the relationship between the red segment on the -axis and the green segment(s) on the -axis?
- What does the slider do? Notice that does not ever take on the value of zero. You can "fine tune" by clicking on the slider button then using the left and right keyboard arrows.
- As shrinks to , does the green area always get smaller? Does it ever get larger? Does the green area always shrink down to a single point?
- Try the various examples in the applet to get a good feeling for your answers in the previous problem.
- Example 5 shows a function that is not defined at . Even though has no value, we can make a good estimate of . In this case, tells us what "should" be. Use zooming to estimate this limit.
- In Examples 6 and 7, the function is undefined at . (The function truly is undefined, even though the applet shows . Check this yourself by plugging in for in the function). What is the value of ?
- Example 8 is a function that gets "infinitely wiggly" around . What happens if and you shrink ? Try this: make and . What will happen as you move slowly toward ? Make a guess before you do it.
- What is when is continuous at ?
- What is when has a removable discontinuity at ?
- What is when has a jump discontinuity at ? Does it depend on whether or not is defined?
- What is when has an infinite discontinuity at ?
- Give an example where the domain of is bigger than.
- Give an example where the domain of is smaller than .
- Give an example where and have the same domain.
- Is always a continuous function?
- Is it possible for and to be defined but not equal?
Chapter 3 Derivatives conceptually
1. Numeric Derivative at a Point
2. Numeric Derivative via Secant Lines
3. Zoom to tangent line
4. Secant to Tangent Line
5. Derivative Builder
6. Second Derivative Plot
7. Diferentiability
8. Product and Quotient Rules Derivatives Drill
9. chain rule demonstration
Numeric Derivative at a Point
Finding the derivative at a point turns into a viewing window problem.
I want to find a delta-epsilon window so that the curve looks like a line.
(I should not be able to tell the difference between the curve and the secant line from
(c-delta,f(c-delta)) to (c+delta, f(c+delta)).)
I then approximate the derivative by finding rise/run for the line.

For most functions, it is easiest to use the calculator definition of derivative. Set epsilon to 0.001, and set delta to something that keeps the curve in the viewing window.
Use this method to find the derivative of the given function at three points. then try with another function.
If you look at a badly behaved function, like at x=0.1, you need a smaller epsilon.
This applet is meant as an illustration of the definition of a derivative at a point.
It has the advantage of showing that numeric differentiation is quite robust.
The default curve is a parabola, where students will be able to find the derivative symbolically.
Derivative Plot
As A moves slope of tangent line is plotted. Move A along x-axis or use Animate button.
Derivative Plot

Chapter 5 Applications of the derivative
1. Chapter working notes
2. Newton's Method
3. Linearization and Linear Approximation Demonstration
4. Linear (Tangent Line) Approximation
5. Optimize area of side-by-side rectangular plots
6. Optimization - Rowing and Running
7. Section 2.8-Related Rates-Ladder Falling
8. Related Rates - Square
9. Slope Fields
10. Parametric Curves and tangent line
Chapter working notes
Working notes on appplications
There should be something to cover:
1) Linear approximation
2) Optimization
Simple Sums
A simple applet for approximating the area under a curve by rectangular sums.
We approximate the area under y=f(x) over the interval [a,b] with n rectangles.
The parameter p indicates where the approximation is made on each rectangle.
For left sums, p=0, and for right sums p=1.
You can stretch or shrink an axis by choosing the move tool (the 4 arrows) and moving a point of an axis in or out.

Chapter 7 Applications of integration
1. Area Between Curves
2. Solids Of Revolution: Disk Method
3. Volumes: Disk Method
4. Solids Of Revolution Shell Method
5. Visualizing solids with regular cross sections
6. Arc Length Exploration
7. Solids with Known Cross-Sections Project
8. Solids with Different Cross Sections
9. Solids Formed From Certain Cross Sections
Area Between Curves
A standard application of integration is to find the area between two curves.
The integration unit is the top function minus the bottom function.
The basic integral is
It should be noted that if top and bottom, or left and right, are reversed, the area is negative.

It is always good to start with a problem where we can find the answer without using integration.
- A rectangle, Top(x)=4, Bottom(x)=1, Left = -2, Right =3
- A triangle, Top(x)=x, Bottom(x)=-1, Left = -1, Right =3
- A circle, Top(x)=sqrt(4-x^2), Bottom(x)=-sqrt(4-x^2), Left=-2, Right=2
- Bottom(x)=x^2, Top(x)=4, Left=-2, Right=2
- Bottom(x)=x^2, Top(x)=x+2, Left=-1, Right=2
Taylor Polynomial of f(x) centered at point a
Enter a function of .
Choose the degree of the polynomial by sliding point on the slide bar.
Choose the center of the polynomial by sliding point on the slide bar.

Slope Fields
This worksheet gives a demonstration of the use of new features in release 4.0 to find solution curves of a slope field. The user can create named points as the starting point of new solution curves. The point A can be moved around to show the value of the vector field at a point.

The second graphics window is used as a control panel.
With each vector field you should see if the solution curves fit into one pattern or if there are several different kinds. You should check to see if there are limit or boundary curves.
The default field Dy=x, Dx=-y+.02x spirals out. You should find the variation that makes it spiral in or form circles
The field Dx=x, Dy=y diverges out.
What happens with a field like Dx=sin(x*y), Dy=cos(x*y)
Mike May, S.J.
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