Reflection 1

Consider the topic of [b]Technology in the mathematics classroom[/b]. You might reflect on any of the following questions:[br][list][*]How important are electronic technologies for learning mathematics? Explain.[/*][*]Is there an age or grade where electronic technologies are more important than others?  (Which grades and why?)[/*][*]What are the *best* programs/software for learning mathematics?  Explain[/*][/list]
Technology in Mathematics
Technology has become one of the most useful tools in education today. There are many different programs that can be incorporated in the classroom. Regarding mathematics, I believe that technology is extremely important. One example can be a visual aid. Having a SmartBoard in the classroom and getting students to explore the different widgets in the application can help enhance their understanding by allowing them to play and figure problems out on their own. Many people may view math as problems on paper and algorithms, but in reality almost everything can be looked at visually or in a technology-type program that allows students and teachers to learn and teach material in a unique way. Technology is always advancing and different programs are being developed that are student and teacher friendly that can play a large part in the teaching and learning of mathematics. [br][br]Personally, I have grown up with a SmartBoard in my classroom since I was in grade six so I have been around that type of technology for a long time. I think that the ideal age would be when the curriculum is not so heavy and there is time to explore and learn on their own time and pace. I think middle school would be most beneficial for students to incorporate technology. There is enough time in the curriculum for days to be dedicated to using these technologies and learning them before they are integrated in the classroom. At the same time, there is enough material that technology can be used with a purpose. There are programs that are available for a deeper level of math and exploration that middle school would be ideal for. [br][br]I really like the SmartBoard that is becoming the "norm" in classrooms. I think that they are beneficial to math because they can be written on, projected on and have various widgets and applications that can be useful for students and teachers. I like their versatility in the sense that they can do many things with students seeing problems or showing them how they can be done right on the screen. Technology makes the younger generation excited too. This will help engage students in the classroom and get them more hands on.

Information: Reflection 1