Formula 1 - page 1

Drag the blue arrows to change the polynomial.
Draw a path for the race car that weaves between the orange cones to the finish line. The car must slow down to go around tight turns. Make sure you stay on the road, and don't run into any of the cones.
Question 1
How does the polynomial's formula change as you drag the dark blue arrows along the x-axis? Explain.
Question 2
How does the polynomial's formula change as you drag the light blue "starting oint" arrow up and down along the y-axis? Explain.
Question 3
What is the degree of this polynomial? How is this related to your answer to question 1 above?
Question 4
The race car loses speed when it has to make sharp turns. It also cannot drive off the road and it must criss-cross between the cones. What's your fastest time you can get the race car across the finish line? What formula does this winning polynomial path have?

Información: Formula 1 - page 1