P-V Diagram and Work

This simulation calculates the net work done by a closed cycle. Select the number of points in the cycle (3 or 4), and then choose which type of process connects each point. Move the points in the order 1, 2, 3, 4. Click on "Close Cycle" to make the cycle self-consistent. The net work done by the cycle is shown in the bottom left corner. Underneath the graph you can choose to show isotherms (lines of constant temperature) and adiabats (lines that satisfy [math]PV^{\gamma}=const[/math]). You can also adjust the number of moles of gas, and whether the gas is monatomic or diatomic.
[list=1][*]Under which circumstances is the net work done by the cycle positive or negative?[/*][*]Set all of the processes to constant pressure or volume. Verify that the net work done is equal to the shaded area.[/*][*]Where on the graph is the temperature the highest? Where is it the lowest?[/*][*]What is the affect of changing the number of moles of gas?[/*][*]What is the effect of changing whether the gas is monatomic or diatomic?[/*][/list]

Information: P-V Diagram and Work