Equilateral Triangles and Regular Hexagons Inscribed in Circles

Drag the points in the two figures below to see the effects.[br]Can you construct these two figures?
[b]Task 2.1[/b][br]Construct the following regular hexagon and start the animation.[br]Save your answer in the name "2.1[color=#0000ff][i]x[/i][color=#000000]_[i][color=#ff0000]yourname[/color][/i].ggb", where[color=#0000ff][i] x[/i][/color] denotes the letter of the part (a to e) and [color=#ff0000][i]yourname[/i] [color=#000000]is your name in English. Send an email titled [color=#0000ff][color=#000000][color=#ff0000][color=#000000]"[b]MATP1331 Lesson 2 Answers[/b]" [/color][/color][/color][/color]with your answers of this session attached to [b]geogebra.hk@gmail.com [/b][/color][/color][/color][/color]

Cross-Sections of the Cube

Construct the following figures according to the teacher's instruction.
Investigate the possible shapes of the sections of a cube with the figures you constructed.[br]Investigate whether the cube can have the following shapes as cross-sections.[br][list=1][*]Scalene triangles;[br][/*][*]Isosceles triangles;[/*][*]Equilateral triangles;[/*][*]Rectangles;[/*][*]Rhombuses;[/*][*]Parallelograms;[/*][*]Trapeziums;[/*][*]Pentagons;[/*][*]Regular hexagons.[/*][/list]

Inquiry Task (Elementary)

Task 2.4
Construct the following figure.[br]At what positions of P would the two rectangles have equal areas?[br]Can you justify your observation?

Curve Stitching
