

重覆點擊 ▶▶ 鈕,看看如何構作以下圖形。[br]根據老師指示,構作這個圖形。
使用 Sequence 指令構作以下圖形。

Rotation of Regular Polygons

2.1 Rotating the Regular Pentagon
Follow the teacher's instructions, construct the following figure using the "[b]Regular Polygon" tool[/b], the [b]"Point" tool [/b]and the [b]"Rotate around Point" tool[/b].
2.2 Rotating the Regular Pentagon with Sequence Command
Use the [b]Sequence[/b] command to construct the following figure.
Task 2.2 Rotating the Regular Octagon
Draw the following figure. Do you know how to locate the red point precisely?[br]Save your answer in the name "2.[color=#000000]2[/color][color=#0000ff][color=#000000]_[i][color=#ff0000]yourname[/color][/i].ggb", where [color=#ff0000][i]yourname[/i] [color=#000000]is your name in English. Send an email titled [color=#0000ff][color=#000000][color=#ff0000][color=#000000]"[b]MATS2320 Lesson 2 Answers[/b]" [/color][/color][/color][/color]with all your answers of this session attached to [b]geogebra.hk@gmail.com.[/b][/color][/color][/color][/color]


課業 2.5
下圖顯示等邊三角形中的一點 P 與邊 AB 的距離。[br]構作由 P 到 BC 及 AB 的距離。[br]這三個距離之和有甚麼特性?[br]你能夠解釋嗎?


making strange shapes from a circle and quadrilateral

Have some fun with the section formula (point of division). Use the slider to switch between a square and circle.
Click 'control' to display the original shapes. Drag the vertices to experiment with different starting quadrilateral.
[b]'[color=#ff0000]Pixar in a Box[/color]'[/b] has similar materials about modelling and 'weighted averages' -> [url=https://www.khanacademy.org/partner-content/pixar/environment-modeling-2]see the page on Environment Modeling[/url][br]https://www.khanacademy.org/partner-content/pixar/environment-modeling-2
These slides show more examples based on this applet.
How to make this file:
