Divide Line in Ratio

1. Jsou dány dva různé body A, B. Sestrojte bod D=A/3+2B/3.[br]2. Rozdělte úsečku AB v poměru m : n.
see [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barycentric_coordinate_system]Barycentric coordinate system[br][/url]
Barycentric coordinates
Let points A = (-2, 2) and B = (3, 4). [br][list=1][*]Determine coordinates of point [math]D=\frac{1}{3}A+\frac{2}{3}B[/math][/*][*]Write center C of segment AB as a barycentric combination of points A and B.[br][/*][/list][math][/math]

Information: Divide Line in Ratio