Area of a triangle

Area of a Triangle[br]You will be using this simulation tool today to reach a number of conclusions about finding the area of a triangle. The questions below will ask you to manipulate some of the points on this app. You can do that by just clicking with your mouse and dragging.[br][br]You will also need to remember how to identify points on a grid. To find the point (3,4); I would start at (0,0) and move 3 spots to the right, then move 4 spots up. [br][br]Have fun
1) What is the area of the blue rectangle?[br][br]2) The red line is perpendicular to the x-axis. What does the word perpendicular mean?[br]If you're not sure, click on the link here [url][/url][br][br]3) Move point B to (3,6)[br][*]What is the height of the triangle?[br][*]What is the base of the triangle?[br][*]What is the area of the triangle? (Use the check box to show the area of the triangle)[br][*]How does the area of the triangle compare to the area of the rectangle?[br][br]4) Move point B to (10,6)[br][*]What is the height of the triangle?[br][*]What is the base of the triangle?[br][*]What is the area of the triangle?[br][*]How does the area of the triangle compare to the area of the triangle from question 3?[br][br]5) Move point B to (16,6)[br][*]What is the height of the triangle?[br][*]What is the base of the triangle?[br][*]What is the area of the triangle?[br][*]How does the area of the triangle compare to the area of the triangle from question 4?

Information: Area of a triangle