Rectangular Prism: Anatomy Exploration

BIG POINT is moveable.

Triangular Prism: Anatomy Exploration

LARGE POINTS are moveable.
Quick Silent Demo

Modifiable Torus

1) Open up GeoGebra 3D app on your device. [br][br]2) Go to the MENU (horizontal bars) in the upper left corner. Select OPEN. [br] In the Search GeoGebra Resources input box, type [b]h2fkfsfm[/b][br] (Note this is the resource ID = last 8 digits of the URL for this resource.)[br][br]How do the values of[b] R [/b]and [b]r[/b] affect the graph of this [b][color=#1e84cc]surface[/color][/b]? [br][br][b]What happens when R = 0? [br][br]What happens when R = r? [br][br]What happens when R > r? [br][br]What happens when R < r ? [/b]


Wolfgang Wengler

Square Pyramid: Underlying Anatomy

Interact with this [b][color=#38761d]square pyramid[/color][/b] for a minute or two. [br][br]You can alter the base and height of this [color=#38761d][b]square pyramid[/b][/color] by dragging the 2 white points. [br][br]How would you describe the relationship between a square pyramid's [b]LATERAL HEIGHT[/b] and its [b]TRUE HEIGHT? [br][br][color=#1e84cc]To explore this resource in Augmented Reality, see the directions below the applet. [/color][/b]
Suppose each edge of the square base measures 10 cm. If this square pyramid's lateral height measures 13 cm, what would its true height be? [br][br]What would the pyramid's [b]lateral area[/b] be? What would its [b]total surface area[/b] be? [br][br]What would its [b]volume[/b] be?
1) Open GeoGebra 3D app on your device. [br][br]2) Press the 3 horizontal bars (upper left corner). Select OPEN. [br][br]3) In the SEARCH TAB that appears, type [b]V9cAn76T[/b][br] Note this string of characters can be found in the URL here. [br] Be sure to either copy & paste this code or type it just the way you see it here. [br][br]4) The slider named [b]n [/b]does the entire animation. Slide this completely to the right. [br] When in 3D view, you can move the white point (outside the pyramid) up or down to change its height. [br] You can also drag the large white points on the pyramid's base to adjust the base size.

Pyramid on Rectangular Prism

BIG POINTS are moveable
