Robot Slider

Use the sliders titled Shoulder, Arm, and Wheels to move the figure. Press the Play button on the lower left hand corner to play the animation.

The slider titled Arm moves the left and right arm of the robot simultaneously from 0 to 180 degrees. Similarly, the slider titled Shoulder has an angle movement of 0 to 230 degrees. The slider Wheels has a number value of 11, with increments of 0.1. It controls the wheels of the robot. One line segment in each wheel can spin a full 360 degrees. These line segments are controlled by slider Wheels. Each one of these segments is connected to three 90 degree angles. These 90 degree angles are connected to a hidden slider which, when 'Animation On' is turned off, can only move in sync with the 360 degree angle. All the sliders are set to oscillate and their speed is set to 1.