Area Calculation by Simpson's 1st Rule

This is a ship's waterplane area calculation example! Your task for this tutorial is given at the bottom!
Calculate the area if the length is changed to 160m[br]You should get an area 2578.94 sq.m

Effect in KG when New Cargo Loaded on CL

The example shows the effect on ship's KG when a new cargo is added at a certain height on the centre line of the ship.

The task is to find the new cargo mass when the KG is changed to 6.05. You need to iterate a bit!


Ref: Hydrostatic Properties of MV Reed for problem-solving
Use these values to solve problems

Calculation on Initial GM

Based on MV Reed Data go through the tutorial. You need to refer to Hydrostatics-01 & Hydrostatics-05 (Ref. p 62, Reeds Vol.13)
Now solve the problem given the new data for bunkering on MV Reed! Good LucK!

Exercise on Large-Angle Stability

Go to Spreadsheet A41 to start

Draw the GZ curve by opening Hydrostatics-11a in a New Window!
