Comparing Size by Cut and Paste Q3

Area of a Circle - Wedge Demo 1

We know that the area of a circle is: A=πr². But a real proof of this is hard.[br]Here we show a demonstration of this fact by cutting the circle into wedges and placing half of the wedges face up and half face down. As the number of wedges increases, we see that they cover a rectangle with A=base•height = ½ of circumference •radius = ½(2πr)•r = πr²
Why is the base of the rectangle half of the circumference of the circle?[br]Why did we label the x-axis with units of π and the y-axis with units of numbers?

Car Rim Design Project

Here is a rim design.

Please design an original rim.

Let's play billiards... real shot in billiards!

[color=#c51414][url=] MATHS AND PHYSICS... WORLD[/url][/color][br][color=#c51414][b]Place the balls as you want, choose speed and hit...[/b][/color]

Pythagorean Theorem Task 3

Pythagorean Theorem Task 3

Linear Function Transformations

linear function transformations
linear function transformations

Inclined Plane with Two Masses and a Pulley

Use the sliders to adjust the angle of the incline, and the two masses. Hit the "Run" button to watch the objects accelerate. Click the checkbox to show numerical values for acceleration, tension in the string, velocity, time, and the change in height of m1.
